Sunday, May 17, 2009

Jesus Shuttlesworth Ha?

Jesus Shuttlesworth Ha?
M.D. Wright

Just a quick though. Why do people always reference that movie? Yes, it was a classic by Spike, and an overall good movie, but:

RAY ALLEN IS A TERRIBLE ACTOR. Dear God. Quit saying "that's Jesus Shuttlesworth!!!" as if that's something great ha.


He's no Reggie Miller.

What Is REALLY God's Will?

What Is REALLY God's Will?
M.D. Wright

I hear a lot of people talking about "God's Will" this, "God's Will" that. And that's great. If you are lucid and in your right mind, you should WANT to be in it. It's much like a wealthy grandparent who has a will and anyone related to them or adopted into the fold as friends or trusted allies can be part of this will. That is the way it is with God. if you are His child, believing and confessing Jesus Christ and part of the body of faith, you are in God's Will. This is a great thing.


I hear a lot of people discuss this in the context (and why are we still at the point of doing this, when we SHOULD know better by now?) of works. Being in God's Will does not center solely upon how "good" you are or if you have 100 good works for every sin. Our works are as filthy rags to God. Get over yourselves. Furthermore, people sometimes (however subconsciously and inadvertently done as is) make it seem as though they are more entitled to the things contained in God's Will because they perceive (and judge unjustly) others to be doing evil (when they're not even) instead of praying for them.

I say all that to say this: the Church -- the Body of Christ -- is undergoing a shaking. The institutionalized church is at a crossroads, and there is a TON of erroneous teaching that has been spewed from the pulpit over the past 50 years or so that is being exposed for what it was/is. People are sick of being lied to, betrayed, led astray, abused, mistreated and worst of all -- put down by other SUPPOSED believers in the House of Faith.

That is all.
